Welcome to Nations United UNUversal


About Us

YOU are about to have 'The Adventure of Your Life' with RealGuidance and a RealEducation like never before! From all YOU have learned and experienced, you have come to this very moment where YOU will begin to WakeUp and SeeMore than you ever have before. WE are Wonderful WorldWide Educators and WE know what WE are doing, because WE know how to Discover & Explore where most other people cannot.

Why Join US (UNUversal SuperBeeings)

YOU, The RealU, have come through so many other lifetimes to finally BE Here & Now!  It has been a Huge Educational Process, and from the many ideas that you have collected, you are still carrying the same old ideas that keep YOU from Seeeing More. WE are not political, religious, spiritual, scientific and so on, as these invented systems do exist on Your Planet Earth and WE do Recognize what is taking place Here. WE have The RealConnection with what most people will miss during their life at this time and YOU will be able to Prove this to YourSelf, as 'WE Are Real' with Everything WE Present & Demonstrate and YOU will SeeMore with US!

A Big Thanks

The NUFounder & ALLHumanitarian Developer Duane Lee Heppner, Duane The Great Writer with DuanEva as The DUSigner & Eva Shari Schoen The Great ArtIS, RebISar, Fubbi, Kata, Lai, Yauble, Shams, Towart, Rami, Gopal, The Real UNUversal Guides & The ALLLISSS, Life ITSelf, The ISSSNISSS LifeIS.